How to Become an Advantage Player w/ Joel Block

Is there any secret to always staying on top of the game?

In this episode, Joel Block explores the concept of an "advantage player" and explains what makes advantage players different from traditional investors. He discloses the importance of having a clear understanding of your own investment goals and provides insight into how to evaluate sponsors when investing in real estate, what returns can be expected from private real estate deals, and how to allocate assets for maximum benefit. If you're looking for guidance on getting the most out of your investments, this episode is not one to miss!

As a long-time venture capitalist and hedge fund manager, Joel Block knows how to pinpoint success. Because he is also a futurist, he bets on the trends that he identifies. In addition to his experience of building and/or operating close to 40 companies, he has advised hundreds more and has the experience of being inside of over 1,000 companies with the opportunity to analyze them, whether for acquisition, investment, or advisement.

Key Highlights: 

[00:01 - 07:46] Opening Segment
• The secrets of advantage players
  • Clarity, value add strategies, and professional investing
• Why limited partners should affiliate themselves with advantage players
• Professional investors have clarity and operate with strategies that retail investors may not

[07:47 - 15:34] Evaluating Capital Arrangements for Advantage Players
• How promoters should articulate their strategy with clarity and ease
  • Don't try to be everything to everybody
• Define asset class and geography clearly
  •  Be wary of returns higher than 15%

[15:34 - 19:47] Closing Segment
• Beware of hidden agendas
• How to put together investor-friendly deals

Want to connect with Joel? Head to Bullseye Capital, and start building a business!

Key Quotes: 

“Advantage players play at the top of their game. They do what others don’t do, see what others don’t see, and know what others don’t know." - Joel Block

"You can't evaluate another person until you really know what works for you." - Joel Block

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How to Become an Advantage Player w/ Joel Block
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